A project of The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature. Amman, Jordan supported by BBCF
Did you know that Israel has uprooted & destroyed more than 1 million trees in Palestine?
The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature needs our support to replace these trees and restore the environment and livelihood of Palestinians as well as in its work to raise awareness about the occupation & destruction of Palestine. Support this action to help win peace and justice in Palestine.
The trees can be designated in your name or in the name of anyone you choose to honor this way. BBCF is working with APN to raise funds and to help tell people everywhere about Palestine. In 2008 APN achieved its goal of planting one million tress and APN is now working on its second million tree campaign. In Victoria, we have already raised more than $10000 for trees.

Buy a living tree for $8 / 5 GB pounds or 6 Euros! Cheques & bank drafts in these currencies can be sent to: BBCF, 1022 McGregor Ave. Victoria, BC. CANADA
Contact BBCF for other forms of payment & information
To read a presentation by Razan Zuayter Click here