Canadian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions to support Palestine. 2018

Support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions:
Non-violent resistance to Israel and its occupation of Palestine

Boycotts are a strategy we can apply at home, as individuals, groups or institutions. Hurting the Israeli economy sends a message to the occupier and shows our solidarity with Palestine and its struggle to be free. 200 Palestine civil society groups have called on supporters worldwide to actively promote and participate in BDS as an important expression of solidarity. Beyond not buying these goods, we can speak and write to management explaining why we will not buy their products, suggesting alternatives, and beyond that may be boycotting the store altogether. Some people have been known to put ‘Boycott Israel’ stickers on products on the shelf. Consumer goods for which we can easily find an alternative or we don’t need anyhow are a good place to start.

Produce: tomatoes, peppers, avocados and other fresh items: they rot quickly and are particularly vulnerable to boycotts. In Europe the sale of Israeli produce has crashed. Wine: from Israel and made in occupied territories, and mislabelled, made in Israel.
Sodastream bubbly water maker –really does anyone need it?
Naot shoes- lots of other brands.
Ahava cosmetics – still sold but seem to have disappeared in Victoria.
Water filters and other camping devices made in Israel are sold by Mountain Equipment Co-op
Many other products come into Canada; we have a Free Trade agreement with Israel. Always check the barcode:729 Also check here:

There are companies that profit from and support the Israel government and occupation.
There is a global boycott of Hewlett-Packard HP products, sold to Israel for surveillance and monitoring of Palestinians. Buy another brand of computer and printer.
Hyundai sells heavy equipment used to destroy Palestinian homes. Hyundai also has a big share in KIA.
Chapters-Indigo owners support the military by helping young people to enlist in Israel’s armed forces.
Motorola Solutions has opened a branch in Israel.
Mountain Equipment Co-op carries Israeli products including some developed for Israeli military: if you are a member, let it know you want it Israeli-products free.
For lists of other companies and more DS information: Also:

Divestment from companies that support Israeli occupation of Palestine has been very successful. Pension funds including the CPP, mutual funds, universities, religious and other public institutions that have Israeli-supporting holdings have a great impact when they divest. Researching our investments and those of funds we or institutions are involved in, we can find many Israeli-friendly companies.

SANCTIONS: Every year, Israel kills and injures Palestinian civilians including children and women. Now is the time to call on the Canadian government to sanction Israel. The first move is to end all sales of military equipment to Israel. Let your MP know how you feel!

According to the latest released Foreign Affairs department report on the lawful export of Canadian military-grade products, shipments to Israel between 2010 and 2011 amount to over $6.3 million worth of equipment. The report says gear classified under automatic rifles and their components, military training simulators, bombs, torpedoes, and unmanned aerial vehicles, were all potentially sold to the Israelis.
The Canadian government didn’t provide the military technology from its own stock but it approved the shipping of millions of dollars’ worth from Canadian contractors. The big ticket items in appear to be “Software” and “Technology” designated military exports, along with naval gear. In 2010, Israel purchased $814,666 worth of unnamed Canadian software, with another, larger purchase, amounting to $2,626,245 in 2011. The vaguely designated “Technology” procured from 2010 to 2011 amounted to close to $3.5 million. On the CBC website: Canada imported $2,592,517 worth of arms and ammunition from Israel in 2010 and exported $658,734, but analysts say the value of military-related trade between the two countries is much greater when related technologies are included. For example, Canada has leased Heron surveillance drones, or unarmed aerial vehicles (UAVs), from Israel for use in Afghanistan, and Canadian companies have sold technology and components for Israeli military equipment. Pratt and Whitney Canada engines, for example, power some of the aircraft of the Israeli air force. The business relationship in the security and military sectors has been helped along by a declaration of interest Canada and Israel signed in 2008 in which they agreed to enhance co-operation in the areas of public safety and counterterrorism. From: This site lists “51 Canadian military companies now reporting direct exports to Israel” from Bell Helicopters to DuPont to TeraXion Inc. http// Also sources of information: Note: It is very difficult to find up-to-date and complete information on military trade – any information, links etc. would be appreciated. Actions and Success to date on BDS The United Methodist Church (US) has divested its holding connected to Israel, The Canadian Union of Postal Workers and the US United Electrical Workers Union have joined the campaign. In Spain, 26 local and regional governments – including Sevilla, Gran Canaria, Badalona and Terrassa — have passed resolutions in support of BDS initiatives and Apartheid Free Zones initiatives. The French corporation Veolia pulled out of the Jerusalem Light Rail, an illegal rail system built to facilitate the growth and expansion of Israeli colonial settlements on occupied Palestine. Here in Canada, Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), the Central Council of the Confederation of National Trade Unions, Quebec, resolved to join the BDS movement and support the call to impose a military embargo on Israel. The CSN represents 325,000 workers in all sectors of activity in nearly 2,000 unions across Quebec. The United Church of Canada (UCC) adopted a resolution to boycott products originating from illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Norway has led the way in pension fund divestment from companies that profit from the occupation – unfortunately the Canada Pension Fund still has investments that support the Israeli military. The list goes on internationally while the cultural boycott is embarrassing Israel; many performers and intellectuals refuse to go to Israel. The American Anthropological Association has passed BDS resolutions to support the academic boycott of Israeli academics institutions. Many US universities are divesting from US companies that profit from the occupation. The Teachers Union of Ireland has an academic boycott of Israel. From New Zealand to Europe, Japan to South Africa and the USA, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign grows daily – as Palestinians civilians die in attacks by Israeli military. Daily, Palestinians are injured detained, tortured for their non-violent resistance to occupation and the defence of their human rights.
The Canada BDS Coalition is connecting grassroots resistance in Canada and the world. Canada was a major signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. Canadian politicians continue to support Israel while more than seven million Palestinians are denied the rights of Article 13 of the Declaration, the right of return for exiles. It is time our politicians changed from hypocrisy to humanity and supported the human rights of Palestinians.

For more information see:

Compiled by BBCF May, 2018

Posted in BBCF   

Author: admin

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