Update on Canada and Palestine for Dec/ 2023

Update on Canada and Palestine December, 2023As the death toll and destruction continue in Gaza we can help by ending Canada’s complicity.Watch the excellent zoom webinar & act to end charitable status for Canadian organization that support the oppression & occupation of Palestine.https://youtu.be/ka7GLf6VQhE?si=lJlyK6JFLW5J1zF4While Canada voted…

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Passion and Commitment: Book Launch

Passion and Commitment: Yalla Press ,Victoria, BC & Smallberry Books, London, UK, 2023 Book Launch Report Theresa Wolf wood’s second collection of poetry was launched at a reading in Victoria recently. Many thanks to all the friends who helped make a successful event. Yalla Press…

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 You, me and the CPP:  The Canada Pension Plan

. Ten years ago, BBCF presented a brief to the CanadaPension Plan about its investments. Since then, it appearslittle has changed at the CPP except it is bigger and moreegregious. See this brief at: https://bbcf.ca/2018/01/30/submission-canadian-pension- plan-investment-board/ I recommend as an update , this excellent Webinar…

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