Palestine in a Bottle: The Story of Zatoun

When we think of oil we think of war and waste; but there is also an oil of peace and plenty.  Olive Oil from the fruit of the tree of peace has a deep significance in many religions; it is the oil produced as a…

SodaStream: Maybe Green, Definitely Not Clean

Read the french version Story and photos by Theresa Wolfwood It seems like a great idea – to buy a counter top device that converts tap water into sparkling fizzy water. Add a line of 100 flavours of sweet syrups; in the words of the…

Mazin Qumsiyeh in Victoria, BC

Palestine today and in the future Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, Victoria, BC, Canada, April, 2014 Story and photos by Theresa Wolfwood A self-described “troublemaker”, Qumsiyeh is Professor of Biology (Genetics) at the universities of Bethlehem and Birzeit and Director of the Cytogenetic Laboratory, Palestine Museum of…

‘The Two Million Trees’ Project In Palestine:

A project of The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature. Amman, Jordan supported by BBCF Did you know that Israel has uprooted & destroyed more than 1 million trees in Palestine? The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature needs our support to replace…