A new poetry collection by Theresa Wolfwood

LOVE AND RESISTANCE Theresa Wolfwood. 2014. Smallberry Press, London. UK ISBN: 978-0993031502 The passion for social justice, human rights and the longing for peace illuminate many of Theresa´s poems. In some the passion is expressed by individuals: a child in Gaza recounts her own war…

Palestine in a Bottle: The Story of Zatoun

When we think of oil we think of war and waste; but there is also an oil of peace and plenty.  Olive Oil from the fruit of the tree of peace has a deep significance in many religions; it is the oil produced as a…

Submission To Defense Policy Review, Government of Canada – RESPONSE To: ‘The Main Challenges to Canada’s Security”

Theresa Wolfwood 1022 McGregor Ave. Victoria, BC, V8S 3T9                                     July 2, 2016 To: Hon. Harjit Sajjan. MP Minister of National Defence, House of Commons. Ottawa, ON. K1A 0A6                        E: DND_MND@forces.gc.ca The main challenges to Canada’s security, including our social, economic and environmental security,…

Remembering Hiroshima- Nagasaki, August, 1945- 2016

Read the french version “Nuclear-weapon states have kept the world hostage in fear and anxiety while squandering trillions of dollars away from meeting human needs …an intolerable and unacceptable reality.” Setsuko Thurlow, 2015 “Our technical civilization has just reached its greatest level of savagery. We will have…

Theresa Wolfwood reports on ‘Miner’s Memorial Day’ Cumberland, BC, Canada, June, 2004

“Power concedes nothing without a demand…..The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress.” Fredrick Douglass, quoted on Miners’ Memorial Day programme. My home in Victoria is not far from a massive heap of dark stone known as Craigdarroch Castle…

Chile – September 11 1973

VIGIL to commemorate the overthrow of the government of Chile on September 11, 1973 September 12, 2003 by Theresa Wolfwood   Last night about 100 Chilean-Canadians and their friends and supporters gathered on the causeway of the inner harbour of our beautiful city, Victoria, Canada….